
"Together toward the future"-cooperative "Il Girasole" (Spezzano Albanese-CS).

The Association digital future, in the context of project management, is managing a computer course for disabled planned as part of the activities of the project

"Together toward the future"

the Cooperativa Sociale Il Girasole di Spezzano Albanese.

The social cooperative "Il Girasole", proposer and project, founded in 2003, works to promote a better quality of life of disabled people through social and educational interventions aimed at promoting their well-being, personal development and social inclusion, and to develop interpersonal and personal satisfaction of all involved.

The project aims to avoid giving everyone an equal response, generalized, to instead focus on customizing the intervention.

The person is given to the attention of a team that works to meet its needs, its history, its potential and expectations and on the basis of these analyses shall be met in order for the needs and potential interventions leftover encouraged and strengthened.

Families often manifest difficulties to support situations where heavy loads for treatment to lend assistance to their family members with consequences not only economic, but also social discomfort and fewer opportunities of integration than others.

The family is called to take responsibility and play an irreplaceable role in helping people with disabilities, but it needs to be put in terms of knowing what and how to do and to be supported.


The project involves roughly n. disabled 23, residing in the territory of Spezzano Albanese, of different ages, from infancy to adulthood, they present various issues such as intellectual and psychomotor retardation, deafness syndrome, autism and down syndrome. These are different problems, which limit the autonomy in the management of acts of daily life and school and social integration.

Articulation of the project

The project, which will last for 12 months, aims to accomplish the following tasks:

  • creative workshops that involve manipulation of materials such as clay, salt dough, chalk, das, fabric, cardboard;
  • painting workshop;
  • Laboratory of music therapy;
  • computer lab;
  • physical activity (gym and swimming pool);
  • school assistance.

Additional services

  • psychological counseling and parenting support groups;
  • guided outings and recreational activities.

The idea to set up a computer lab was born from a careful analysis of the needs of users to which the cooperative deals. What emerges is the social isolation and exclusion from the labour market, which mainly affects people with disabilities who have a more advanced age and that, in most cases, acquitted the compulsory training, are to spend whole days at home, solitude and, unfortunately, the frustration of being rejected by the world of work and society. It was decided, therefore, to a basic computer course, which will allow them to learn marketable job skills, earning a certificate.

They talk about this project

Article published in the journal of the South on 14 January 2013:

Southern journal article-Chris Campbell 11/14/2013

Thanks for the article. Raffaele Caracciolo