L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è ufficialmente Partner del Progetto
del Programma Erasmus+
Applicant: SYNERGY NL Olde Vechte Foundation (Facebook)
Paesi partecipanti: Bulgaria, Polonia, Croazia, Hungheria, Italia, Macedonia, Repubblica ceca, Grecia, Romania, Olanda
Partecipanti: 36
Data: dal 16 al 24 Gennaio 2016
Luogo: Ommen, Olanda
Futuro Digitale cerca: 2 partecipanti senza limiti di età
Location: il progetto sarà svolto qui
Condizioni economiche:
- – partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma Erasmus+.
- – il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275 €.
- – è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
Project Details
Correlations are here to present a new perspective on guiding volunteers in a way that supports smooth functioning of your organization.
The aim of the training is to empower:
- ▷ Organizations that want to start taking volunteers on board or
- ▷ Already experienced organizations that want to polish their approach towards them
In service of this goal, during this training you will have the opportunity to learn:
- ▷ Coaching skills – how to guide volunteers in the way that they can operate in your organization
- ▷ Intuition – how to trust your intuition and use it while handling volunteers/partners
- ▷ Planing and organizing – how to maintain a balanced level of energy while dealing with volunteers/partners
- ▷ International cooperation – how to deal with people of different backgrounds
- ▷ Presenting/promoting your organization – how to find partners and volunteers that are matching the nature of your organization
In addition to this you will gain tangible outcomes:
- ▷You will have a complete accreditation for becoming a hosting organization for long term EVS
- ▷You will start writing an application for EVS program
Main areas of the training
Practical and technical aspects of EVS:
- ▷How to handle logistics: accommodation, travel, insurance
- ▷How to search for partner organizations
- ▷What I can offer to your volunteers and how to attract them
- ▷How to write the accreditation and the application form for EVS
- ▷How to match volunteers with the values of my organization and the tasks
- ▷How to set up the Activity Agreement
Personal development:
- ▷How to work on collaboration, self-confidence, self-expression and other aspects that determine personal and professional growth
- ▷How to recognize my qualities and limitations
- ▷How to build up good relationships in work situations
- ▷How to understand the link between individuals and organizations
- ▷ How to acknowledge how my actions affect other people´s lives
Coaching methods:
- ▷How to create a rewarding system in order to keep balance between giving and taking?
- ▷What to do in the first days in order to create working culture?
- ▷How to clear the expectations with the volunteers
- ▷How to create pro-active attitude of a volunteer?
- ▷How to support a volunteer to take initiative and what are the boarders?
- ▷How to support the volunteers (free time, loneliness)
Working Method
This is a learner – centered training in which we will implement the principles of co-active and learning by doing methods.
Through a great variety of tools, the process of learning will become dynamic and enjoyable. Tools such as simulation games, presentations of techniques, role plays, structured experiments, assimilation activities and workshops.
These activities are designed to illustrate concepts and theories, in order to develop new competencies and put in practice the gained knowledge.