How to make your contribution to the project
Europe Masterpieces
Picture: To promote speed and usability of content you may want to upload images no larger than 3 MB. Otherwise, a picture on Europe could not to be published. If you have an image of higher dimensions, and you don’t have software for resizing, we recommend using a simple online tool for resizing images, as Supported formats are: GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG.
Video: The site allows to upload any media content on youtube or other video site used to share.
How to insert multimedia content present on youtube within a Picture on Europe? This step is very simple, just copy the integral link of the video on youtube and paste it into the text box special “Choose a video”.
A thought: Put each type/kind of thinking that is related to the overall theme of the project Europe Masterpieces; any content that is deemed offensive, violent, or generally unsuitable, will not be published.
Name or Nickname: The site requires the use of a name or a nickname exclusively to associate the image on Europe to a person, real or imaginary. No data is stored or used for purposes not stated.
Email: The email address entring is optional. The site requires only to be able to contact the advertiser for any problems relating to the publication a Picture of Europe published by him, and to be kept informed about the activities of the project.
Copyright: Respect copyright. Only upload multimedia content created by you or that Authorized you to use. Do not upload multimedia content do not created by you , therefore, or that contain content which is copyrighted by someone else , such as music, video made by third parties, texts without the necessary permissions. We recommend that you read the Copyright Tips for more information.
Moderation of the postcards: The Images on Europe are not published immediately, but are subject previously examined by a moderator. To prevent a Picture on Europe is not published it simply requires you to use some common sense rules , for this we recalled that:
- the site is not for pornography, sexually explicit content, animal abuse, the use of violence, and any other area is not suitable for design Masterpieces Europe. If a content belongs to one of these categories will be immediately delete,
- the site encourages free speech and defends everyone’s right to express their points of view in the forms and within the limits provided by law,
- are not acceptable behaviors that annoy others users, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or disclosure of personal information to third parties.
The violation of at least one of these simple rules will result in non-publication a Picture on Europe.
Consent to the publication: Sending a Picture on Europe implies consent to the publication of both materials posted on this site and elsewhere. If any content does not comply with the restrictions imposed by the copyright, the site will not be responsible and will reserve the option to remove from the site content or suspect that indicated at all times.