
Volunteer in Italy through European Voluntary Service!

Do you want to be a volunteer in Italy through the Erasmus+ Programme?

Futuro Digitale has been accredited as Hosting Organisation for European Voluntary Service (EVS) projects by the Italian National Agency for Youth! Read the news!

Look also at our official page on the European Database of accredited EVS organisations.


The accredited office is the one situated in the Campania Region, in a town called Sant’Antonio Abate (Look at the map), very close to Naples, Pompeii, Amalfi Coast and other wonderful and interesting places.

Look at the video of Sant’Antonio Abate, made by a local group of young videomakers called “Lobster”.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsOt_tDTihY[/embedyt]

Why to do an EVS project with us?

Our EVS projects are focused on putting at the centre the role of volunteers in creating a real shift at local level. The project will be placed in an ex-industrial place in Sant’Antonio Abate, near Naples, converted to cultural and youth activities where a flourishing youth group is growing. Such a building is placed close to the centre of the town, hence close to all the services. 

The volunteering project that we want to implement has the aim to empower youth at local level through volunteering activities and the engagement of EVS volunteers, in order to better language skills, develop democratic dialogue and foster a tolerant and inclusive society.

The overall calendar we propose will reflect a number of activities referred to the association Futuro Digitale:

  • Practical work in revamping the ex-industrial structure (some areas are being converted in a Youth Center with sports pitches, theatre, co-working spaces, etc. / Look at the Youth Center). Volunteers will be working together with the local youth to support them in the local planning & restoration and in the requalification of the buildings;
  • Volunteers will be in charge of creating educational activities on transversal skills (the eight foreseen by EU) both for children and for youth, in order to prepare them on Erasmus plus programme, as well as supporting them in their social empowerment referred to employability and entrepreneurship. Volunteers will have to steer educational activities together with local youth workers such as workshops, info days, school meetings, theatre activities etc.
  • Volunteers will organise linguistic activities through language cafes in order to support local youth to acquire better language skills both in English and in the volunteers’ native language.
  • Volunteers will have to back also Futuro Digitale’s activities, such as networking (offline and online), conference organisation, project writing and revamping of digital documents
  • Volunteers will participate to the local democratic meetings which are regularly held by the local associations. Futuro Digitale is part of the NGOs’ local Forum. Volunteers will learn and understand how to cooperate with other associations and how to act in a democratic society.
  • Volunteers will be learning Italian through regular sessions organised by Futuro Digitale and also through linguistic exchanges with local youngsters (look at our project “Let’s start to Talk!“)
  • Volunteers will be trained also in storytelling as they will be working to tell the stories of their EVS as well as to engage other youth to be volunteers through Erasmus+. They will be formed by Futuro Digitale in how to tell stories and how to use digital tools to better express themselves.

All the projects in the frame of European Voluntary Service are fully financed by Erasmus+ Programme. Futuro Digitale will guarantee accommodation, food and training, according to the general rules of the Programme.

Do you want to be an EVS volunteer in our association?

Do you want to cooperate with us as accredited organisation?

Please, contact us: evs@futurodigitale.org   –  a.rossi@futurodigitale.org