Project “Step by Step Towards Globalization” – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del

Progetto “Step by Step Towards Globalization”

del Programma Erasmus+

Applicant: Global Youth Group

Paesi partecipanti: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Macedonia and Turkey

Partecipanti: 35 partecipanti ( dai 17 ai 30 anni)

Data: dal 23 al 31 Gennaio 2015

Luogo: Burdur, Turchia

L’associazione Futuro Digitale cerca 5 partecipanti:

  • 1 Leader di qualsiasi età
  • 4 giovani tra i 17 e i 30 anni

Condizioni economiche:

  • la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE.
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 170 €.
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

About the project

As a result, we are being affected by globalization both positive and negative ways. On As the technologies evolve, whole world starts to be a village for all human-beings. positive side, we are all having equal chances to access different products from all over the world. On the other hand, our social and personal values have imposed to changes. Especially youth has been affected much from the effects of globalization. In subsequent to globalization, another concept occurred in terminology; “glocalization” as a combination of globalization and localization. Glocalization affects on minority rights, languages, cultures, youth life and so on to the extent that we keep our essence by adapting or internalizing the new realities around us. For example; German language adapted television as “das Fernsehen Apparat” whereas Turkish took it as “televizyon”. This youth exchange starts from globalization and continues with glocalization. We will focus on how or to what extent globalization has affected us and how or to.

what extent we should glocalize within Europe for a better future. Moreover, we will learn about our cultures and establish new networks among the group from 7 countries; United Kingdom, France, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Macedonia and Turkey. 4 Participants and 1 Leader totally 5 person from each countries. On seven days, we will fulfill the needs and requirements of activities. Non- formal educational methods will be the main route for us. We will realize this project in the Burdur, city of Turkey.

The aim of this activity is to share your skills with the other participants and also with local youngsters. You will give one workshop and participate in many more. You can prepare 1 or 2 workshops with your entire group or you can give individual workshop depend on you, its not necessary to give a workshop but its very nice opportunity. The workshop should last maximum 2 hours for each of them. We will be more then 50 people so you can think divide the group etc..

The aim of this activity is to present your skills to the other participants in the first day. Before you come to Turkey you can meet your group and prepare a little presentation or improvise depends on your creativity.