Project “Youngsters Taking Over Leadership In Europe” – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto

“Youngsters Taking Over Leadership In Europe”

del Programma Erasmus+

Applicant: Public Company the Children and Youth center “The Valley of Joy”

Paesi Partecipanti:Italy, Lithuania, Estonia

Partecipanti: 42 partecipanti

Data: dal 2 all’11 Settembre 2015

Luogo: Mazeikiai, Lituania

L’associazione Futuro Digitale cerca: 14 partecipanti

  • 12 giovani tra i 16 e il 19 anni
  • 2 leaders

Condizioni economiche:

  • la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE.
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 170 €.
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.


The need of the project – by watching various surveys we see a strong interest in the topics of leadership, especially among the youth. In our organization’s work we observe that in the work with children and youth, especially teenagers, there is a need for a strong leader that is able to speak clearly and persuasively, to think creatively and at the same time to be a friend to the children. Leadership theme is relevant due to a real need to cultivate young leaders today in order to achieve good results in the future that will ensure the personal and social well-being of not only our country, but also in the European context.
Project goal – to help young people understand the importance of leadership in the modern world, to learn about the leadership and develop leadership qualities. We aim to promote international youth communication through creative work, joint activities and teamwork; to learn about other cultures; to exchange best practices; to develop young people’s self-awareness, personal responsibility and commitment.
The participants – young people from Lithuania, Estonia and Italy. Each country’s group will be formed of 16-19 year olds. There will be invited young people with fewer opportunities, youngsters living in small towns, rural and remote areas. There will be a total of 42 participants from three countries (14 in each group).
The project will be implemented during a 10-day long youth exchange project in Lithuania.
Planned activities: introduction to the concept of leadership, understanding leadership fundamentals and the importance of leadership in the modern world, developing public speaking skills, creativity training, and training abilities to understand the team members and to influence them. The final event of the project – “The Best Young Leader Election”.
Methods used – team building activities, lecture-discussion, case studies, tasks in teams and individually, the Forum Theater, reflections.
Project management: communication with the partners by e-mail, Facebook and Skype will let us discuss and provide the role of each partner in the project, their responsibilities, and the division of tasks. This information and other organizational matters shall be stated in the protocol and sent to all the partners. The mandate will be also signed between the applicant and the partner.
Expected results: the project participants will gain knowledge about leadership, gain/deepen the competencies important for leaders: will improve communication and creativity skills, will develop public speaking skills, and will learn to work in teams, to understand team members and to influence them. Young people involved in the project will learn about other European cultures, the countries’ experience in developing young leaders, expand the circle of acquaintances, make new friends, and improve their English language skills.
Impact: the project aims to unite the forces and the creative potential of the participants for the present work, on which the future is based. It does not matter in what country you live, with the acquired leadership qualities, you will be able to initiate the public, young people, and business anywhere in Europe.