Futuro Digitale is a partner of the project
The Women Get Back (WGB)
- Title: Capacity Building – The Women Get Back (WGB)
- ID Project: 589785-EPP- 1-2017- 1-PT- EPPKA2-CBY- ACPALA
- Running date: Agosto 2017 – Marzo 2019
- Partners:
- Mobility Friends (Portugal – Coordinator);
- Geyc (Romania);
- Futuro Digitale (Italy);
- Arternativi (Bulgaria);
- Projuven (Spain),
- Puente Sur (Paraguay);
- Asociacion Civil Familia Gangitana De Rosario (Argentina);
- Brigada De Voluntarios Bolivarianos Del Peru (Peru);
- Fundacion Marijn Funmarijn (Nicaragua);
- Cooperativa De Turismo, Cultura E Lazer (Brasil).
- Sito web del progetto:
The Women Get Back (WGB) is a Capacity Building project within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme with project partners from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador. The “European Year of Equal Opportunities for All”, held in 2007 and a European scale, reinforces the idea that it is necessary to combat the multiple discrimination, in particular and to promote equal opportunities. In Europe, women returning to the labour market are a significant part of the labour force available. However, these women are often overlooked in statistics, especially when they are not registered as unemployed. Statistics show that, on average, women have 40% less chances, comparing with man, to be offered them a position, which illustrates the difficulties that women face when returning to the labour market, including their exclusion from it. On the other side, in Latin America women’s efforts have been crucial for reducing extreme poverty in the region. In fact, many Latin American women are abandoning more traditional roles to engage in what was previously considered “men’s work.” Several women have undertaken initiatives to form small businesses to address and overcome the effects of violence in their lives and that of their families. Unfortunately, in Latin America, prejudices and stereotypes from the past remain and cases of harassment or street violence against women continue. In addition, nearly 30 % of young women in Latin America become mothers before 20 years of age and the majority of them are socioeconomically underprivileged, which fosters the intergenerational reproduction of poverty, hinders women’s autonomy and their life projects, and underscores the need for sex education and reproductive health services to be made a public policy priority, according to a new report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2014) and often they have difficulties in gaining access to a profession. The overall objective of the project is to transfer to youth workers innovative training methodologies to improve guidance and counselling, vocational and professional training in EU and Latin America for young women returning to work after a hiatus in their careers, as a result of maternity, illness, unemployment, or who are in a situation of self-employment. The project aims at fostering the use of ICT and wishes to encourage the use of these tools applied to this target group to improve the quality of learning, provide The Women Get Back 589785-EPP- 1-2017- 1-PT- EPPKA2-CBY- ACPALA 4 access to resources and services online, providing feedback on progress and create the conditions for increasing skills and self‐esteem of women in situations of crisis and with difficulties in gaining access to a profession. The acquisition of new skills, fostering creativity and innovation, the development of entrepreneurship and a smooth transition between jobs will be crucial in a world that offers more job opportunities for those who show greater adaptability. The project wants to equip youth workers with all the necessary tools and skills to provide women with fewer opportunities who somehow find themselves, voluntarily or involuntarily unemployed, skills to integrate the labour market again: through the creation of self-employment or with the acquisition of new skills in the areas of ICT and entrepreneurship which will enable them to perform computing tasks on the user’s perspective. All Institutions will form a network for designing, programming and planning of an online e-learning platform that aims to add quality of the systems of support to youth women, youth workers and young people with fewer opportunities. This project will contribute to the implementation of “Europe 2020” strategy, working specifically in the fight against poverty and social exclusion of youth. The online web-based platform (O1) called WGB will be the main sharing tool: users will be able to upload resources, methods and good practices (pictures, texts and audio-video contents), which will be available for free downloading and easy feedback during the project and beyond its lifetime. The online platform will include a space with useful tips on visa applications for youth workers and project participants. Youth workers will learn how to plan and implement new and innovative trainings, relational support meetings, workshops and leisure time activities for disadvantaged, young women with fewer opportunities. Therefore, this capacity building project will develop youth workers’ set of technical, transversal and intercultural skills and competences and indirectly may open for the young women of partners’ local community new job opportunities, re-integrate them in the labour market and improve their employability in the social work field at a local, national and international level. Creativity, entrepreneurship, teamwork and sense of initiative will be continuously developed thus promoting a real and deep personal and professional growth of youth workers and other project participants. The activity will be set the basis for the creation of project work tools. Including a research report (O3) presenting findings from research into the use of ICT in female owned small businesses and on the abilities and skills needed by employers to facilitate women returning to the labour market at local, national and international level. The project includes a phase of development of teaching materials of non-formal character of socio-professional skills education.
Main Output Project
O1: WGB Online Platform An online platform will be set up, using open source software, in order to create an online space as connection for project target groups (Youth workers and young women with fewer opportunities), and dissemination of project events, progress and deliverables. The idea is to create an interactive learning platform with user-friendly interface, test evaluations, interactive exercises and videos that will encourage involvement of the target group.
O2: E-learning courses All the project partners will develop entrepreneurship learning modules, a specific guided path for WGB participants so that they will be able once completed all the modules to develop new skills for the training of youth. At a starting phase, the entrepreneurship learning modules will be only available for project participants on the project online platform (O1). Once the first TC will be over the first three learning modules will be freely available to all interested stakeholders through the project online platform (O1) and so on for the remaining ones. There will be quizzes incorporated within each module and participants have to participate on all on-line discussion forums for each module.
- To strengthen participants knowledge of gender from cultural and sociological point of view and increase their knowledge of gender inequality, gender based discrimination and violence against women and men in different cultures.
- To provide participants an opportunity to explore gender realities in other participants countries and raise their awareness about gender issues across Europe and Latin America
- To develop participants competences especially digital one to use different media tools to fight gender based discrimination in the workplace and stereotypes and create media campaigns raising awareness especially among young girls and boys but also among general public on gender issues appealing in their communities.
- To support sharing good working practices among the participating organizations and support development of new non-formal learning tools that can be used when implementing new projects fighting gender based discrimination in the workplace with support Erasmus + Programme.
- To raise youth organisations’ awareness of the benefits of youth mobility.
- To support youth organisations in better dealing with visa obstacles in international youth work.
- To share experiences in youth work with young people with fewer opportunities and equip youth workers with competencies to better include them in their organisations.
- To share the experience of European youth mobility projects with Latin American youth organisations and explore possibilities for regional youth work in these two regions.
- To use online tools throughout the project period to share results, offer online training and develop the partners’ ICT competencies.
- To facilitate the exchange of innovative educational practices related to social inclusion in the field of youth between organizations from Programme and Partner countries.