Project “Creative Learning” TC Erasmus+

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è partner del progetto  “Creative learning”

Training Course programma Erasmus+

Organizzatore – V.I.A.C. – Institut for Youth development and support

Paesi partecipanti: Slovakia, Estonia, Italia, Germania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Spagna, Paesi Bassi

Partecipanti: 32 partecipanti

Data:  4- 12 Settembre

Luogo: Trstená, Slovakia

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca

4 partecipanti (dai 18 anni in su)

Condizioni Economiche

  • partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275€.
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €;



Today´s policies call for the development of a creative economy and society, through strengthening the position of education in the field of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Creativity is seen as a skill, and youth workers should have tools to develop the creative and innovative potential of young people. We are looking for new ways to develop creativity for young people. And that is why the Creative learning project. The main goal of the project is to teach youth workers to create an educational environment to develop the creative thinking of young people. The first training course will focus on creating a learning environment that develops creativity, the second will then specifically design edu-escape rooms.

The objectives of 1st training course: 

  • To share theories and concepts on learning and facilitation of learning in order to innovate education in practice.
  • To co-create a challenging learning environment (using creativity, methods, tools, games, materials and physical environments) to provoke divergent and creative thinking, to experience & being able to implement it in their realities.
  • To support participants to identify their own natural way of learning and explore how creativity and environments can provoke changes in our learning efficiency.
  • To use the diversity of the group to create interesting learner based approaches and meaningful perspectives.
  • To analyze our role in supporting learning, how much responsibility we put into it and how to find the balance to be able to design more accurate and efficient real actions.
  • To encourage participants to move from ideas to action and create possibilities and further cooperation between them on their local realities