

FuturoDigitale is partner of the Project


(OVERcome HOmelessness of young PEople)

Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

The Project “Overcome homelessness of young people”  is a Strategic Partnership which wants to identify, develop, examine and disseminate innovative methods to overcome homelessness young people.

Number Identification: 2014-1-DE04-KA200-0008

Running dates: September 2014 – September 2017

Website: www.overhope.eu


  • Germany (Applicant): Jugendbildung Hamburg
  • Italy: FuturoDigitale
  • Turkey: Anatolia Youth and Entrepreneurship
  • Romania: Asociatia Young Initiative
  • Portugal: Cronoworld
  • Bielorussia: MHA „Dobra wola“
  • Turkey: Toplumsal Kültür ve Gelişim Derneği

Project Summary

The project OVERHOPE (hope, anticipation, expectancy = OVERcome HOmelessness of Young PEople) draws attention to the problem of homelessness of young people. Obviously homelessness prevents the personal and professional development of these young people sustainably. Without a living space of their own young people are prevented from obtaining professional qualifications, completing an own vocational training and start working. Housing is one of the basic human needs.

Our European team includes colleagues from Belarus, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. The Germans made the project application for this study. The project sees itself as a strategic partnership within the framework of the Erasmus + program of the European Union, located in the program section “Youth in Action”. We set ourselves the goal to investigate the situation of homeless young people in different European countries. With our work we want to contribute to the fact that these people are able to break the vicious circle of homelessness: no own apartment, no vocational education and work, no income, no apartment.

Therefore the project aims at detecting the scope and extent of the problem of homeless young people in the different countries first. In addition the project analyses the different cultural perspectives on the phenomenon. Furthermore it identifies, develops and disseminates innovative methods to overcome homelessness among young people. The project wants to identify best-practice solutions of social work, transitions in vocational training and work and requirements for an infrastructure to overcome homelessness. Furthermore an empirical survey determines the subjective situation of the young people concerned and their own life prospects.