L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è Partner del Progetto
Make the move to ERASMUS+, all together for a better inclusion”
del Programma ERASMUS+
APPLICANT: Tambour Battant
PAESI PARTECIPANTI: Belgium, Spain, Italy, Yugoslav Republic, Portugal, Romania, Tirkey, Latvia
PARTECIPANTI: 16 giovani, dai 15 ai 30 anni
DATA: 20 – 27 Ottobre 2014 (compresi i giorni di viaggio)
LUOGO: Francia – Mulhouse
L’Associazione Futuro Digitale cerca: 1 Trainer
Profilo dei partecipanti: membri di ONG, operatori giovanili, animatori giovanili, responsabili di progetto, coordinatori SVE.
Condizioni Economiche:
- i costi per la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE e quindi a totale carico dell’Associazione organizzante.
- il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 175,00 €
- è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 40 €, come rimborso spese per Futuro Digitale.
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
The project “Make the move to Erasmus Plus” is a contact-making event for non-profit organizations active in the youth field and for the promotion of the youth mobility at a European and international level. Through this project, the youth organisations will have the opportunity to expand their network of partners, exchange best practices on youth mentoring and develop new projects under the Erasmus + program. The training also aims to strengthen the European dimension of partner organizations.
Overall objectives:
1. Create new partnerships with organizations active in the youth field based in program countries and in partner countries, to develop new European networks;
2. Improve the quality of professional practices in the following areas:
- Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;
- Youth employment;
- Development of transversal skills among young people
3. Present the new European programme Erasmus + and its different key actions:
- Updates and changes from previous programs;
- Impact on target groups and beneficiary organisations;
- New guidelines and priorities of the programme.
Working groups, workshops, round tables, reflection groups, presentations, study visits.
Practical arrangements
- Travel expenses : travel tickets will be reimbursed at the return of the participants back in their countries, within the limit of the Erasmus+ lamp sums;
- Accommodation and food : 100% covered by Erasmus plus funding;
- Participation fees: N/A
- Materials: provided by the coordinating organization. Other materials which provide information about the organisation partners (brochures; flyers; video; photo ect.) have to be brought by the participants;