Memorandum of Understanding among
The agreement is aimed to:
- exchange experiences of transnational cooperation;
- set a common support and promotion of partnerships and mobility projects;
- to include companies of both partner regions sectoral into transnational cooperation,
- foster the mobility of young people between the two regions;
- share human resources to work on proposal focused on the mission of the organisations;
- equally share the tasks of the project between the partners;
- share contacts and partners in order to build up new relations and networks;
- to set up any activity or event that could foster the achievement of both Partners objectives;
- to inform the partner about new European project ideas.
The parties agree on the need to work together and to join each of its human resources for the writing and presentation of projects on the following programs:
- Erasmus Plus (KA1, KA2, KA3, Traineeship, VET, Capacity Building)
- Horizon 2020
- United Nations (UN)
- other
Moreover, the Asociación PROJUVEN and the Al-Azhar University – Gaza adhere, as Members, the Coordination Of The South Italy For Development And Promotion Of Ideas And Projects In The Cooperation Field “Magna Grecia”, conceived and promoted by Associazione “FuturoDigitale”. Membership of the Coordination has no cost.
A member of Asociación PROJUVEN and the Al-Azhar University – Gaza will be part of Project / Technical Staff of Coordination. The organisations agree to cooperate at least for five years, respecting the following agreement.
Functions and priority activities of the Coordination are:
- mission, values and vision of Coordination;
- activities and projects of the Coordination;
- international, development and euro-Mediterranean cooperation;
- global development education – EAS;
- Human Rights protection;
- food right and food sovereignty;
- orientation and training;
- local development;
- citizenship rights promotion;
- national and European youth policies;
- culture and intercultural dialogue;
- integration and reduction of digital gap,
- gender equality,
- non-discrimination,
- children and adolescent rights,
- democracy, participation and transparency,
- equality and solidarity.