Futuro Digitale is a partner of the project
- ID Project: 2016-2-ES02-KA205-008263
- Period: 01-01-2017/31-07-2018
- Partners:
- Futuro Digitale (Italy)
- Bitartean Jolasean – Entretanto Entretente (Spain)
- Zavod Mladinska mreža MaMa (Slovenia)
- Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece)
- Komunikujeme o.p.s. (Czech Republic)
- Site Web: www.reyion.eu
“ReYion: Rural Empowerment through Youth Initiatives and Organisations Networking “ is a 19-month partnership at international level funded under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission and within its branch for the development of strategic partnerships on the youth field. The network is coordinated by Bitartean Jolasean (Spain) and it includes organisations such as: KOMUNIKUJEME OPS (Czech Republic), EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (Greece), Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale (Italy) and Zavod Mladinska Mreza MaMa (Slovenia). The main goal of the network is to join together organisations from different countries to work on developing youth services in rural areas and work together to create new learning materials and exchange of good practices related to the training of young people on the associative field and the implementation of youth initiatives. To achieve this, partner organisations will design and develop in a cooperative way different intellectual outputs and workshops with the objective of providing concrete competences to young people to create their own organisations, working within networks involving different social stakeholders and foster the participation of young people coming from rural areas. The materials and training sessions to be created will deal with topics such as creation and registration of youth entities; management of youth and volunteering projects in rural areas; funding management for youth entities and youth projects justification; promotion of youth participation; networking; European funding for youth projects; etc.. Even if these workshops will be especially focused on training young people on rural areas and the cooperation among youth groups through networks on small regions, these materials will be suitable for any kind of young person who aims to acquire horizontal skills for the creation of his/her own association or initiatives to promote the participation of young people on areas that demand a social development. The training outputs obtained, will also contain pedagogical milestones for those professionals on the youth sector who could aim to replicate them within their organisations and communities. All the results of the project will be available and on free download on the project website.
- To increase the number of youth associations in the areas involved in the project and the number of young people subscribed to them.
- To multiply the number of youth initiatives and opportunities for participation that youth
could have at any level in the areas involved during the project implementation (E.g. leisure time activities, training,
etc..). - To avoid that young people living on the rural zones on which the project is implemented leave them due to their lack of resources and services for youth (attracting at the same time to other youth from border areas).
- To create on each partner region a local network of youth associations that could allow the implementation of common initiatives and promote synergies among them.
- To increase the visibility/dissemination of the youth initiatives and the non-formal groups created during the project; emphasizing the network built. This will allow the exchange of good practices as well as the creation of common projects.
- To disseminate the Erasmus+ programme and to promote the participation of young people living in the area involved in the ReYion Project.