Dissemination Project: E-entrepreneur STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH

APS “Futuro Digitale”  is a partner of the KA2 “E-entrepreneur STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH” number 2019-2-DK01-KA205-060317.


Futuro Digitale collaborates with international partners, EUROPEYOU (Spain), UNIVERSITATEA TRANSILVANIA DIN BRASOV (Romania) and DANISH YOUTH TEAM (Denmark – project coordinator). The project has a duration of 20 months, started already in September 2019.

The partners’ goal is to contribute to pursuing the EU growth strategy for 2020, with particular attention to promoting entrepreneurship and also includes an action plan focusing on creating an environment more favorable in support of youth entrepreneurship. The aim is to extend and develop the skills of youth workers, in particular in the effective use of ICT in entrepreneurial learning of young people, for better awareness and better learning outcomes, while remaining in line with the key objectives of the Erasmus + program for 2019.

The project also provides for the release of E-Learning modules, which will provide youth workers and professionals working in the field of youth work with the necessary knowledge on E-Commerce tools to be able, once all the modules are completed, to develop new skills for training young people in the field of youth entrepreneurship.

The intangible result of this project will be the innovation of the curriculum and training programs available to youth workers and youth organizations, who will be aware of the importance of E-Commerce tools and technologies for youth entrepreneurship and for the future of the EU youth.


Web site of the project


progetto europeo