FuturoDigitale take a part in 2014/2015 Edition
The staff of FuturoDigitale (Antonio Gallo, Francesco Zaralli, Marco De Cave and Eugenio Gallo) was selected to the 2014/2015 Lab Contamination-2nd Edition
on 5 and 6 November , the Evaluation Committee has completed the selections for the second cycle of Contamination Lab Cosenza. All participants were presented with conviction and enthusiasm, although unavoidably in 2 minutes, motivation, skills and ideas that will be developed with the support of the CLab database.
Overall, I’m 84 applicants who have completed the selection process, evenly matched between the humanities and socio-economical area (52%), and natural and applied sciences (48%): 86% are students of the University of Calabria who attend Bachelor’s, master’s, single cycle, 1st and 2nd degree University Masters and PhD students, while 14% are graduates from no more than 18 months. Given the good quality of the entries and the high number of positions ex aequo, the Commission proposed to admit all 84 candidates who have successfully completed the tests, surpassing only four positions the number of posts provided for in the notice.
High the presence of international students who have completed the selection process: candidates are 10 useful location to be admitted to CLab. A share of 12%, higher than the minimum laid down by the notice.
2° cycle of launch activities CLab is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 14:30 at the multimedia room of the Liaison Office of the University (piazza Vermicelli, c/o called TechNest). At startup, the participation of CLab of Reggio Calabria and a short speech by experts of the MINISTRY of EDUCATION and the outfit. http://www.unical.it/portale/portaltemplates/view/view.cfm?46134
Project presented by FuturoDigitale
Title: Mediterranean Flavour
Description: the objective of the project is to promote the diet as business opportunities and cultural heritage by creating an app (smartphone, android, windows) and a related web platform that will allow you to:
- access the list of Mediterranean products, with nutritional information, benefits, history and traditional recipes;
- build custom recipes, given a list of items already in the input from the user. The app will also suggest similar recipes to the list received.
- access the local network of producers present on the platform, which can register through fb or simple registration. The app will do the geolocation of the manufacturers, who will be surveyed by position (the maximum distance is 15 km).
- be connected to the web platform, which only produced in Italian/English, will become a showcase for the promotion of SMEs, developing a network of excellence for the sustainability of the territory.
The research team and interdisciplinary work, composed of experts, researchers and students from different backgrounds will be back office activities; the app and advisory activities are instead as being “front office”, through which to reach citizens and aspiring entrepreneurs in particular. In this respect it will be important to the dissemination activities of the project, so it will be important to the work of communicators.
The project will need an interdisciplinary work between:
- computer scientists;
- nutritionists;
- anthropologists;
- development and cooperation;
- economists;
- communication experts.
Mentor of the project will be the social promotion Association digital future “Terranova da Sibari (CS). The Association works on projects for young people at European level and promoter, along with his partner Cultural Foundation “Paul of Tarsus” of the first world EXPO 2016 on the Mediterranean diet, international event.
What is Contamination Lab Cosenza
The Contamination Lab (CLab) are places – physical and virtual – of contamination between students and graduates of different disciplines to promote the culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and do, as well as interdisciplinary and new models of learning. The Clab are designed to expose students to an enabling environment for the development of entrepreneurship and social innovation projects.
The CLab Cosenza – sponsored by the University of Calabria and funded by MIUR within the plan of action and cohesion-intends to actively involve a large number of students and teachers from all subject areas in training events and “warm up” project (CLab Gym) as well as in the development of innovative interdisciplinary projects more ambitious (CLab Challenge).
The activities will develop for half-yearly cycles.