Futuro Digitale is partner
of the project “On your E-marks”

Boosting key competences in web, graphic and digital arts by enhancing entrepreneurship and online presence in VET
● ID Progetto: 2018-1-FR01-KA202- 047837
● Running dates: 1 Ottobre 2018 > 30 Settembre 2020
● Elenco Partners:
○ Coopérative pour le Développement de la Créativité et de l’Innovation
(http://boreal-innovation.com/) [Capofila]○ ASOCIACION INTERCULTURAL EUROPEA GO EUROPE
( www.goeurope.es )
○ FYG CONSULTORES (www.fygconsultores.com)
○ OIC Poland Foundation (www.oic.lublin.pl)
○ Futuro Digitale (www.futurodigitale.org)
● Sito web del progetto: www.e-marks.eu
Frequent online presence as well as attractive and modern visuals and captivating typographies to distinguish a company, service or a product help to create a unique identity when starting up new businesses. The improvement of design and online visuals for a company or service leads to a remarkable market position, which results in increased success rates.
However, VET educators and learners need to develop entrepreneurial and digital skills in order to improve the way they teach and learn about how to start-up new business in digital era. On the one hand, VET educators need to develop the specific skills required to teach entrepreneurship, such as a) Project management skills to support their student to setting up and running a project, b) Pedagogical skills to encourage learning by problem-solving, taking risks and interacting with “outside/adult world” and c) Personal skills to create an adequate learning environment. On the other hand, VET learners need to have a clear understanding of market mechanisms and being acquainted with selling techniques. Addressing these needs though improving digital skills by online presence will become a great opportunity to strengthen entrepreneurship education and boosting key competences.
Therefore, the project aims to promote entrepreneurial education by boosting key competences in web, graphic and digital arts among VET educators and learners in order to improve their entrepreneurial capacity to teach and learn about how to start new businesses and how to reach current markets online. The specific objectives are:
– To create educational tools and resources (OERs) about entrepreneurship and online presence for VET educators and learners
– To upgrade teaching skills and qualifications of VET teachers and trainers in the areas covered by the project (entrepreneurship and online presence)
– To increase the entrepreneurial capacity of VET students and trainees by improving their digital skills in web, graphic and digital arts
– To promote and develop online strategies for existing and future products or services developed by VET learners, which can be useful for other stakeholders and educational sectors
ON YOUR E-MARKS will directly involve around 100 VET educators and learners and will straightaway reach 200 stakeholders, among which it is possible to identify Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), high schools, professional and non-professional associations of entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, SMEs, digital companies, trainers and mentors working with digital skills and entrepreneurship and local training services. It is expected that the project has impact on almost 1.000 people indirectly.
ON YOUR E-MARKS will create 5 intellectual outputs, 2 training mobilities, 5 transnational meetings, online and offline dissemination activities during project implementation, and 6 final national dissemination events. Expected results are:
a) An in-depth study on the online presence that provides a detailed analysis on online presence policies and strategies linked to entrepreneurship education in VET and in business sectors in Europe and represented countries
b) A handbook that provides guidelines for efficient online strategies that supports VET educators and promote entrepreneurship education
c) A pedagogical strategy for VET educators that supports them to facilitate the learning process on entrepreneurship through online presence
d) A toolkit for VET educators that provides training materials and tools to teach VET learners entrepreneurship and online presence
e) An e-learning course, which combines e-learning sessions and offline activities, that provides training to VET learners about entrepreneurship and online presence
f) 21 trained VET educators to teach entrepreneurship and to facilitate online presence strategies carried out by their students and trainees
g) 35 trained VET learners on entrepreneurship, online presence and useful methods and tools to apply successfully in their initiatives
h) 6 good examples of brands’ graphic/visuals and online presence strategies created by VET learners
i) 6 events to promote entrepreneurship education, online presence and project results among VET educators, VET learners and other stakeholders
ON YOUR E-MARKS will improve VET teachers, trainers and mentors’ educational skills to facilitate learning process aiming at promoting entrepreneurship education and digital skills through online presence, as well as offering training and pedagogical tools and materials to contribute to their professional development. The project will also increase the capacity of VET learners to start up their own business and initiatives by improving digital skills and online marketing strategies. At European, national and local levels, ON YOUR E-MARKS will update frameworks and resources related to entrepreneurship education and will provide innovative and specific training products on online presence.