L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è Partner del Progetto
“Youth and Democracy Study Visit” Visita Studio del Programma ERASMUS+
Applicant: Association Pistes Interculturelles
Paesi partecipanti: Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Germany, Greece
Partecipanti: 29
Data: dal 02 al 09.05.2019
Luogo: Bordeaux, Francia
L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca: 3 partecipanti
Condizioni Economiche:
- partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
- il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275,00€
- è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €;
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
L’infopack del progetto lo trovi qui.
Per partecipare ti invitiamo a compilare la scheda di partecipazione che troverai su questa pagina.
In many cases, youth participation is mentioned in relation to their abstention from elections.However, this is a limiting shortcut that does not take into account the different existing forms; giving a negative image of voluntarily passive young people in the Society and creating a snowball effect where young people will not feel at home or listen and therefore will have less interest in being involved. We therefore decided, through this study visit, share experiences, compare our realities and exchange practices Desbonnes to dig it and overcome these prejudices low interest of youth in the “City of Life”. It is a question of understanding, as youth workers, on
the one hand, the obstacles that young people encounter to this participation in different contexts, to analyze the existence of discriminating criteria for participation and, on the other hand , to exchange content and tools to discuss with young people their conception of the roles they can play in society and to deconstruct certain ideas received in this area, to encourage and facilitate their participation, especially that of young people who are usually distant. We therefore want the “Youth & Democracy” visit to focus on “youth participation” as a right while taking into account the gap between the actual existence of this right and the reality of its very disparate implementation both in level of contexts as youth profiles. Education for citizenship and solidarity will be treated in this study visit as one of the axes allowing both a better awareness by young people of their rights, of their role as actors in society and a contribution to a better consideration of their potential, a greater confidence in them, a development of their critical spirit and therefore
a better active participation in respecting the realities of each.