Project “Be professional in Audio-Visual” – Youth Exchange ERASMUS+ Programme

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è Partner del Progetto

“Be professional in Audio-Visual”

YE del Programma ERASMUS+

Applicant:  “Pro Roma”

Paesi partecipanti: Macedonia, Spagna, Italia, Bulgaria, Turchia, Romania

Partecipanti:  60

Data: dal 01 al 13 Giugno 2018

Luogo: Milcoveni , Romania

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca

  • 10 partecipanti
  • 2 group leaders

Condizioni Economiche

  • partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 170,00€
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €;

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

L’infopack del progetto lo trovi qui.

Per partecipare ti invitiamo a compilare la scheda di partecipazione che troverai su questa pagina.


The idea of the project came from the demands of the young volunteers in the organization, and the findings of our team in the field. The young people have asked to implement this project because they say; it is obvious, the promotion of negative aspects about the Roma in the press;. Discrimination is a normality and reporters; discourse on Roma is discriminatory. The young people with whom we work feel like a burden this bad labeling in the press, which infuses the population, causing racist attitudes. With the desire to create an improvement, a change of mentality, they wanted to initiate this project as a response to their experience in previous years. Given the organization; experience in media projects, we also felt that this demand and need also need to be metterialized in such a project. Such an approach has made us feel that it is precisely the desire to bring about a change in the perception of the majority over the Roma minority. In this project, through a joint effort of a mixed team of young Roma and non-Roma, we wanted to present an example of collaboration – communication, non-discrimination and, at the same time, social inclusion of ethnic Roma. Now we want to do more than what we have done so far, we have learned from young people and from other countries; experiences about audio-visual, so that through broadcasts, messages, media activities, we can produce a reduction of racist attitudes on the part of the non-Roma and to generate the acceptance of the different, especially the Roma. We want this project to help young people discover new skills, improve communication, communicate their own feelings and others in the form of visual messages, discover the benefits of participating in Erasmus plus projects and want to show the other participants in other countries the local realities of Romania, and in every message made to convey an idea of ​​change, tolerance and acceptance.


For this youth exchange we have planned to tak for 9 days, between 02 -12.06.2018, we will have 10 participants plus 2 group leaders from each country. Participants are young people aged 18-25 years old. This project will take into account gender equality, we will have an equal number of men and women, more so, gender balance will be considered in each activity to ensure fairness and a smooth running of the activities. To respect this, we will ask each partner to take care in the selection process to form an equal group of boys and girls and if this is not possible, at the final selection we will do next, we will be careful to agree with the other leaders to have a group of boys and girls.