Project “E.U. and Me” – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è ufficialmente Partner del

“E.U. and Me

APPLICANT: Asociația Tineret pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă

PAESI PARTECIPANTI: Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Romania

PARTECIPANTI: 35 giovani

DATA: 14 – 23 Novembre 2014 (compresi i giorni di viaggio)

LUOGO: Romania – Sibiu

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale cerca:

  • – 1 Group Leader (qualsiasi età)
  • – 6 Giovani tra i 18 e i 30 anni

Profilo dei partecipanti: membri di ONG, operatori giovanili, animatori giovanili, responsabili di progetto, coordinatori SVE.

Condizioni Economiche: 

  • – i costi per la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE e quindi a totale carico dell’Associazione organizzante.
  • – il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 170,00 €.
  • – è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 40 €, come rimborso spese per Futuro Digitale.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

Description of the Youth Exchange

Youth exchange “E. U. and Me” aims to promote active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity among young people. Through the various methods of non-formal education, 38 young people from 5 different countries will work to improve their own active participation as citizens of the European Union. The project aims to increase the competencies of young people, allowing them to equal opportunities and be more competitive in the labor market.
The project aims to develop communication between young people and sense of active citizenship in order to promote young’s active attitude in society, social awareness and being enable to take part in further developments and decision making process both in their own life and life of their communities. During 10 days, participants will share their behaviors, ideas and create new opportunities for themselves regarding European Policy.
By developing skills and competencies, young people will be able to increase chances of employability, as the unemployment in all over the Europe is growing for young people and it creates exclusion influencing the life of society.

Main objectives of the project

  1. Increase education and social inclusion for 38 people aged 18-30 from 5 different countries.
  2. The development of key competencies – digital, linguistic, cultural, social and business.
  3. Combating prejudices against the young people with few opportunities.
  4. Raise the capacity of partner organizations to reduce the problem of lack of active participation in European life among young people, by using transfer of know-how and practices achieved during the exchange of young people to their local communities.
  5. Discover the intercultural richness through interactive methods and learning more about European cultures.
  6. Increasing level of active participation of young people in society.

Activities and methods used during the youth exchange

  • – Integrative: Storytelling, Name Games, Team – building games.
  • – Explorative: Photo Voice, Living Library, Debates.
  • – Creative: Theater play, Origami workshops, SMART, Karaoke.
  • – Impact making: Flash Mob, Shadow Theatre.