L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto
“Face the conflict”
del Programma Erasmus+
Applicant: Foundation “Suport for self-help”
Paesi Partecipanti: Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Romania
Partecipanti: 36 partecipanti (dai 18 ai 35 anni)
Data: dal 28 febbraio al 7 Marzo 2015
Luogo: Bankia, Bulgaria
L’associazione Futuro Digitale cerca: 6 partecipanti
Profilo dei partecipanti: animatori giovanili, formatori e coordinatori SVE / mentori, volontari, attivisti che hanno esperienza nelle organizzazioni / istituzioni, nella società civile regionale e internazionale
Condizioni economiche:
- la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE.
- il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275 €.
- è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
About the project
The project “Face the Conflict” aims at bringing together 36 people from 6 different countries with 36 different know-how methods to discuss the issue of conflicts and give them the opportunity to perform various hand-on group activities related to the topic of dispute solution and skills development.
Through different activities (simulations, role play, presentations), participants will make a link to different conflict situations and their possible solution, emphasizing on mediation. The training will reach the following objects:
- To promote European citizenship among youth workers, trainers and EVS coordinators/ mentors and through non-formal education to raise their European awareness;
- To improve language skills;
- To tailor analytical processes for the specific purpose of mediation and what tools are available so that interventions such as mediation effectively contributes to conflict prevention management and resolution;
- To exchange good practice and know-how of people working with youths
- To improve skills and knowledge of conflict management and resolution
- To increase the capacity of youth organizations to engage with issues of global solidarity and the peaceful transformation of conflicts;
- To develop social, interpersonal and intercultural competences of participants of the training, to develop their language abilities, ICT and communication skills
- To empower young people to productive co-operation in the field of conflict prevention, conflict management, and fostering peaceful dialogue;
- To empower learners, raise their self-esteem, encourage them to take part in lifelong learning and develop their competences continuously throughout their whole life.