L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto
“Future Economy In Society – Explore the Social Economy”
Training Course del Programma ERASMUS+
APPLICANT: Foundation of European Initiatives in Silesia
PAESI PARTECIPANTI: Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey
PARTECIPANTI: 25 giovani, dai 18 ai 30 anni
DATA: 1 – 7 Dicembre 2014 (compresi i giorni di viaggio)
LUOGO: Kroczyce – Polonia
L’Associazione Futuro Digitale cerca: 2 giovani
Condizioni Economiche:
- i costi per la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE e quindi a totale carico dell’Associazione organizzante.
- il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275,00 €.
- è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 40 €, come rimborso spese per Futuro Digitale.
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
About the project
The Training Course “Future Economy In Society – Explore the Social Economy” is a project under the KA1 from the program “Erasmus +”. The main topic of the training is to explore the possibilities of the social economy in the field of creating jobs for young people and counteract an exclusion in different areas. During the 6 – day course (1 – 7 of December 2014 in Kroczyce, Silesia Voivodeship), participants from 12 NGOs and public bodies of the EU, will become familiar with the various forms of social economy enterprises, such as: work cooperative, social cooperative, foundation, association, informal group and non-profit company. They will get to know their advantages and disadvantages, learn the practical side of these forms depending on various beneficents situations. As part of support skills participants will learn various methods of fundraising (in particular methods based on new technologies) and understand how to create and implement a coherent strategy of fundraising in the organization. All activities will be based on non-formal education methods.
Gained skills will enable participants to undertake effective activities in the area of social economy, in particular by: finding a job within the social economy enterprises, creating such a company in their local environment or by conversing of an existing legal entity. In addition, participants will be able to use their knowledge and skills in the area of social economy support, in particular through the development of this direction in their organizations or support activities on behalf of public institutions.
The result of the training course will be introductory publication to the practical aspects of the social economy and to encourage such initiatives in the EU. Materials contained there, will be prepared by all participants in cooperation with experts and will be based on outcomes developed during the project activities. The publication will be posted on an interactive web portal with other content, related to the topic of the social economy and entrepreneurship of young people.
Participants & Organizations involved in the Project
We are looking for participants which work or volunteer in field of social economy or which are motivated to start such activities. We would like to cooperate with organizations, which main activities focus on entrepreneurship, economy, and social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. In particular we would like to encourage to participation Youth, threatened with unemployment or looking for new professional skills.