Project “Inclusive Art” – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto

“Inclusive Art”

Youth Exchange del Programma Erasmus+

ApplicantAutonomia e Descoberta

Paesi partecipanti:  Portogallo, Italia, Croazia, Spagna, Ungheria, Olanda,

Data: dal 24 al 31 Luglio 2015

Luogo: Serpa, Portogallo

Partecipanti: Futuro Digitale cerca 4 partecipanti dai 20 ai 30 anni più un Group Leader di qualsiasi età.

Location: The participants will be host in the Student residence 

Condizioni economiche:

  • la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma Erasmus+.
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 270 €
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.


The Youth Exchange “Inclusive Art” has as main themes: Creativity and culture, and access for disadvantage and inclusion.

 In A&D we believe that education, social and cultural awareness are the best tools to overcome the European cultural struggles, through a better education we will be better citizens.
In this project we want to promote inclusion and empower, young people artistic skills and self-awareness.
The Project aims to join youngsters and youth workers in for reflection about the different cultural and social aspects in Europe.
Intolerance is a symptom of the cultural issues in Europe and discrimination is the reflex of the non-acceptance of diversity. The inter-cultural dialogue and artistic expression will fight the intolerance and the lack of knowledge of the “other”. This actions are not only inherent in the thematic of the project but, in a transversal and global way, it help youngsters to build themselves in a peaceful and open minded conscience.
With the variety and diversity of countries involved in “Inclusive Art” this will provide participants with many opportunities to consider and discuss concepts of European Citizenship and Cultural Diversity.
Demonstrating that by providing space and time to examine societies and cultures, participants can develop a better understanding and acceptance for difference and they will express it through artistic activities. To add to the inter-cultural dimension participants will also be in shared accommodation and meal times that will help to promote and cement inter-cultural discussion on a range of topics. Additionally there will be an inter-cultural evening so as to promote learning, understanding and an appreciation of local food, drink, music, traditions and other customs.
Other exchange, dialogue and reflection regarding related topics will be supported by working in small groups during the programme as well as daily reflection groups during the main activities.

Our objectives are

Promote solidarity and tolerance – through a multicultural group, create the atmosphere to share cultures and artistic expressions, supported by acceptance.

Promote active citizenship – through cultural awareness make youngsters more committed and active in society, family and promote European suffrage participation.
Promote mutual understanding between young people – by promoting the meeting, communication and acceptance of different cultures and cultural backgrounds and including young people with fewer opportunities in a different linguistic environment (where they can get in touch with Portuguese language).
Empower and develop systems to support youth activities – by promoting the innovative thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship and employability.

The youth exchange will consist in these phases:

  1. Ice braking and introductory activities;
  2. Cultural assessment and practical working activities;
  3. Public sessions:
    – Public information sessions about Erasmus + Program;
    – Public Cultural Market;