Project “On line Europe” Training Course – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è ufficialmente Partner del Progetto 

“On line Europe” Training Course

del Programma Erasmus+

Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Bulgaria e Croazia

Partecipanti: 32 partecipanti (dai 15 ai 30 anni)

Data: dal 28 Febbraio al 7 Marzo 2015

Luogo: Zagabria, Croazia

L’associazione Futuro Digitale cerca: 12 partecipanti

  • – 2 Group Leader (qualsiasi età)
  • – 10 Partecipanti tra i 15 e i 30 anni

Condizioni economiche:

  • – Vitto e alloggio sono gratuiti e a carico dell’associazione organizzante.
  • – Il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 170€
  • – E’ necessario versare prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione all’associazione Futuro Digitale di 50€

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

About the project

Today’s world is a mix of our activities in the real world and ones in on-line world. As a young generation we grew up with the computer, Internet, cell phones, mobile Internet and social networks. We cannot deny that more and more is going on-line, from making friendship and everyday communication to making business and cooperation. Progress cannot be stopped but it should be well understood and world should properly benefit from it. While each young person will say that knows how to use social networks, Internet, multimedia, computer and mobile phone, which is true, in fact they know very little of how to use it properly. These Information communication Technology tools give us so much more than for what they are currently used.

The aim of project is to equip a young person with skills and knowledge that will be valued on business market. Help them be more competitive in labor market. We recognize market needs for constant learning and growth of individuals, particularly young people. With a proper use of these tools you will manager to manipulate easier through digital world and get more familiar with Information communication Technology. We will show you ways to exploit the vast potential that provide us these tools. Discover opportunities and areas to improve the current communication, research, collaboration, business capacity and self-learning skills. We want you to open horizons so you can identify potential and future, get theoretical and practical knowledge, and learn how to multiply the current efficiency of the tools you already use every day. In this ways we will strengthen a link between informal education and preparation for labor market.

The project activities will take place in Zagreb during 8 days period. Hosting organization is Urban youth from Croatia while partners are Associazione Futuro Digitale from Italy and Ecomission 21st Century from Bulgaria, Lovech. There will be 32 participants from hosting and partner organizations plus many more from local partner organizations. Preferences are given to unemployed people, with fewer opportunities, economic, social and geographical obstacles.  We aim at people who can use this knowledge and skills in order to be more competitive in labor market and youth who need these skills in order for better development of their organization, hobbies or activities they are involved. Participants have to be from 15 to 30 years old.

All presentations will be multimedia presentation which will be followed by a workshop with designated tasks for participants. We will have presentations and workshops in topics of Information communication Technology, social networks, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Gmail,Chimp mail, mobile phone applications, and online email marketing solution.

Expected impact on participants is to have better understanding of Information communication Technology which leads to more competitive skills on labor market, higher chance for employment and progress. Greater empowerment and self-confidence in dealing with digital technology.  Better understanding of informal learning which will help you in further development.

Cultural aspect

Another aspect of the project is work on convergence of cultural diversity between Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia. With intercultural nights, presentation of our culture and traditions and spending time together we are strengthening unique European identity. As every good host Croatia will expend their cultural courtesy to partner organization and expect to learn about Italian and Bulgarian as well.