Project “Youth Employment Action!” – Training Course ERASMUS+ Programme

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto

Youth Employment Action!

Training Course del Programma ERASMUS+

Applicant: Amaro Foro e.V. (Berlin) and hosted by RROMA (Kratovo)

Paesi partecipanti:  Italy, Romania, France, Czech Republic, Turkey,  Hungary, Spain, Germany and Bulgaria.

Partecipanti: 30 giovani

Data: dal 25  Agosto al 1 Settembre 2016

Luogo: Kratovo, Macedonia

Location : Hotel Kratis

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca

  • 3 partecipanti con un’età compresa tra 18-35 anni

Profilo Partecipanti

  • The participants can be youth activists, youth workers, youth leaders, youth with a minority background or fewer opportunities.

Condizioni Economiche

  • partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275 €;
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €;

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.


The project Youth Employment Action tackles the problem of youth employment from two sides at the same time, like two complementary activities:

The institutional side: To improve the experience and knowledge of the youth workers, social workers and other types of staff that work with youngsters in the employment and career guidance sector;

The beneficiary side: To give opportunities to youngsters to experience and discover what it means to have a certain career, to help them decide which is the right way for them from a early stage (14-19 years old); and at the same time to help them face an interview and help them to present their competencies in the best possible way (20-30 years old).



The general objectives are:

– To develop the cooperation between 10 youth NGO’s from 10 countries

– To understand better the situation of youth unemployment in Europe

– To develop the cooperation and youth participation to fight unemployment between youngsters

– To promote non-formal education and practical life learning for 150 young people

– To promote tolerance and understanding between 150 youngsters

The objectives for the training are:

  1. To increase the capacity of 30 youth workers, social workers and volunteers of the 10 partner NGO’s in counseling and guiding youngsters to choose a career or get a job
  2. To increase the knowledge of 30 participants in how to use Life Acting Role Play(LARP) in preparing youngsters to search a job and prepare for the interview
  3. To increase the knowledge of 30 participants about the European dimension of employment, the European employment policy
  4. To increase the knowledge of 30 participants about youth guarantee and about Eures – the European job mobility portal