Project “Youth Participation, the Associations and European Citizenship ” Youth Exchange del Programma ERASMUS+

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto

“Youth Participation, the Associations and European Citizenship ”

Youth Exchange del Programma ERASMUS+


Applicant: Council of Figueira da Foz

Paesi partecipanti: Italy, Spain, Portugal

Partecipanti: 30 partecipanti

Data: dal 6 al 13 Aprile 2017

Luogo: Figueira da Foz, Portugal

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca

  • 4 partecipanti
  • 1 group leader

Condizioni Economiche

  • partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 270€

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

L’infopack del progetto lo trovi qui.

Per partecipare ti invitiamo a compilare la scheda di partecipazione che troverai su questa pagina.


The project objectives are: to promote more active citizenship; provide knowledge, skills and opportunities, especially in view of the perception of young people from other countries and cultures; support young people in the different proposals, influencing their decisions in order to implement their ideas in accordance with the needs and challenges they face today; develop a methodology that allows young people to understand the importance of active citizenship, whether in society or in the construction of Europe; prevent risk factors and promoting protective factors to Young People; promote other intercultural learning dynamics; contribute to building a more realistic Europe and mitigate the major problem they face at present, all EU countries: youth unemployment.

Throughout the activities to be undertaken particularly in youth workers mobility and youth exchanges definitions will be addressed, mechanisms and tools to promote the active participation of young citizens in the construction of Europe and in the way of change. For this reason the project aims to understand and analyze the ways of youth participation, ensuring that the cultural environment respects and takes into account their needs. Through debates, conferences and visits by the various youth organizations and political institutions, is intended to demonstrate the possibilities of Youth promote more projects in associations and not only national projects, but also Europeans.

In short, this subordinate design to the themes of youth participation, association and European citizenship will allow young people feel more active citizens, discover the means and opportunities to feel more European and seize the opportunities that are offered, getting them to know in detail the Erasmus + program and the benefits of participation in mobility programs. At the same time, new projects to be completed between the partners will be scheduled within the Erasmus + program already.